Care Wishes

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’d like to encourage Seniors to have a “heart-to-heart” talk with their immediate family members about their future “care wishes.” It is very important for any Senior to verbalize his or her preferences for how he or she wants to be taken care of. Otherwise, family members or “others” in […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Family Plans|Comments Off on Care Wishes

Caregiver Cling

“CAREGIVER CLING” is the newest phrase in the home health care field. It describes the phenomenon of a dependent person who feels severe separation anxiety whenever his or her primary caregiver is away. This can happen even if the caregiver is simply in another part of the home, which is out of sight from the […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Family Plans|Comments Off on Caregiver Cling

Caregiver Backup Plan

Are you the primary or sole caregiver for a loved one? If so, then you must have a backup plan, in the event that you are unable or unavailable to serve as caregiver. It is a big responsibility to have someone dependent on you for his or her care and well-being. The needs of the […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Family Plans|Comments Off on Caregiver Backup Plan

Keeping Your Family Member at Home

In years past, the emphasis in caring for sick and frail seniors has not been on receiving home health care. In the majority of cases, family members have shouldered the burden of all assistance provided, and nursing homes have been the only place to turn when skilled nursing care became a necessity. And, yet, how […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Homecare Resources|Comments Off on Keeping Your Family Member at Home

The Benefits of Private Duty in the Hospital

Many elderly individuals perceive hospitalization as a one way trip. In other words, they stringently avoid going to the hospital for fear of dying there. If you, or a loved one, are faced with inevitable hospitalization, then do plan on having someone stay with you at the hospital. It is easier to face a fearful […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Homecare Resources|Comments Off on The Benefits of Private Duty in the Hospital

Do Not Leave the Hospital Without Home Care Arrangements

All elderly patients coming back home from the hospital need home care. This is a must! Sometimes, a family member is available to perform caregiving duties. If you are faced with this situation, make a quick list of any family members that you can count on to help. Unfortunately, your name may be the only […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Homecare Resources|Comments Off on Do Not Leave the Hospital Without Home Care Arrangements

Why Home Health Care is Better than Facility Care

It is hard to choose which way to go: facility care or home health care. Many families mistakenly believe that by moving into a facility, all of their health care issues will be solved. Adult children are especially vulnerable to the notion of “putting Mom or Dad somewhere that provides/takes care of/fixes everything.” Nevertheless, if […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Homecare Resources|Comments Off on Why Home Health Care is Better than Facility Care

Transitioning Back Home from Rehab

For many people, a stay in the hospital is only the first leg in a long journey back to home and health. In between frequently requires one to reside in a rehabilitation facility. (We used to call them nursing homes.) This stint typically lasts several weeks, or until Medicare runs out – whichever comes first! […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Homecare Resources|Comments Off on Transitioning Back Home from Rehab

The Key to Well Being – Staying Active

As we age, the key to well being remains the same as it has been in younger years – an active and purposeful life. Research has shown that mental activity, physical exercise, spirituality, and social activity are intertwined in such a way that each plays a part in the health of the other. Activity can […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Geriatric Health Issues|Comments Off on The Key to Well Being – Staying Active

Feeling Safe at Home

Many seniors (some quite young) have told me they wish to stay in their own homes as they age, but a fall or other accident/illness prevents them from feeling secure when alone. Such fear can prematurely immobilize seniors by keeping them from getting enough exercise and by actually causing more falls. (Studies have shown that […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Geriatric Health Issues|Comments Off on Feeling Safe at Home