Avoiding Turnover With Your Caregivers

Are you having trouble maintaining consistency with your caregiver(s)? Are you experiencing a lot of turnover with your home health care staff? Does the front door of your home appear to be revolving and admitting new caregivers every weekend? Families tell me that they hate the thought of changing caregivers. Here is some professional advice […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Caregiver Management|Comments Off on Avoiding Turnover With Your Caregivers


Yes, I know this is not a real word. Nevertheless, it can be the only solution to serious problems: elder abuse and elder neglect. I am describing the unfortunate circumstance of an elderly person, who depends on one caregiver, usually a live-in home health aide. The sense of dependence is so great, that the […]

By |November 8th, 2010|Caregiver Management|Comments Off on “AIDE-ECTOMY”